Have been wanting to get back to blogging, but everytime I want to do it, I will feel lazy =___=
But here it is, first post of 2013! Still within January lol
Playing with the toaster's heat this morning when making breakfast; 3 different colours ~ Toast and fresh blend carrot juice.
I havent taken alot of pictures of Eri lately; I think its probably coz of the face-up. Rainy season is here and its not good for a face-up session in my opinion :( I've got Eri a new wig! The colour is so pretty, and I've noticed that this wig went out of stock after I ordered. So, lucky me! Been looking for this colour for awhile now and so happy I got it now ♥
The face-up just doesnt compliment the wig colour :| Need to change the face-up soon!
Note that Eri's original hair colour is white; and I've never thought of getting any other wig colours for Eri. So this means that I 've got this wig with an objective of course~ ;D The first step of THE project has started!
Labels: Ball-Jointed Dolls, doll, erika, eutasiylas, food