wee~new layout~ phew....
signed on Saturday, December 08, 2007
YAYzz! New layout made by me! It features Amu, one character that I currently realli adore, she's realli stylish X3. Anyways, this layout is based on Christmas...yup...I know...you must be asking why is it green... Well, basically, I live in a country where it doesn't snow and yup, the white snow is just a dream here ^^ *high5s to other ppl staying in non-snowing country too*. And yup,...the weather is realli warm here....=_= but yayz~we can see green trees here ^^! hehe yay, i finalli experimented a new style of layout, well its not new...but for me it is! It's the first time I ever done this type of layout! ..........and it's sure a pain.......>_<' ' ' I spent like about 4 days(of course there's on and off...) just to experiment the codings..... i got realli frustrated and knew I had to stop and then relook through my codings again and yeshhh I done it!!! XDOh well, there are still alot of flaws but I'm realli relieved coz it kind of work out~ and the css codings are kind of wrong too.... oh well, never mind~ i'll just leave it~~ XDXDAnd I realli forgotten where I got the brushes and textures from...but yupzz credits to whoever who did it!! >___<''''please forgive me!!! T_Too yup, REMINDER: Do not steal or reuse or redistribute my codings, or you will see my wrath!! I will hunt you down!! I mean it!! I spent alot of effort in this, at least give me some credits......lol
3:38 PM;
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